Ranked Choice Voting — Why We Need ItUnless you were a die-hard Trump supporter, there wasn’t a presidential candidate to be excited about in the 2016 election; not one with a…Jun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
Spider-Man: No Way Home — Movie ReviewPeter Parker’s life has been a bit tumultuous of late. After being “blipped” for five years, he came back only to immediately lose his…May 4, 2022May 4, 2022
Black Widow: The Last Marvel Movie I Will Buy a Ticket ForBack in 2020, I was beginning to sense that Marvel had rounded the peak of glory and begun its descent. Endgame wrapped things up after the…Jul 13, 2021Jul 13, 2021
Is Bernie Sanders a Communist?In the Nevada Democratic debate, Michael Bloomberg indirectly referred to Bernie Sanders’ policy proposals as “communism”. Specifically…Mar 5, 2020Mar 5, 2020